A New Sales Philosophy Leads to Increased Occupancy
The partnership between Pennsylvania-based continuing care provider, Phoebe Ministries, and Creating Results began in 2017 as the community’s leadership sought to reposition its brand from a clinical focus to a more lifestyle-oriented one. This involved leveraging Creating Results’ sales knowledge to coach and train the community’s sales team.
The Creating Results team analyzed Phoebe’s positioning, assessed the community’s lead database, engaged in secret shops and conducted cost analyses to discover strengths and opportunities for Phoebe. With the insights gathered from the discovery process, the Creating Results team developed new brand messaging and worked with the Phoebe sales team and leadership to standardize the sales process and set sales and activity goals.
As prospects inquired and re-inquired, our team offered a variety of sales solutions, including — but not limited to — secret shops and sales process analysis, discovery and sales implementation training, on- and off-site interim sale counselors and more.
With Creating Results’ sales philosophy in place, the Phoebe team shortened its sales cycle and reached census goals at all its communities. Since engaging with Creating Results, Phoebe has met and exceeded its census budget goals year over year.